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Our purpose is to support you on your path, with honesty and integrity. Allow us to present our range of services and core values. Whether you seek serenity within, liberation or fulfillment in your relationships, enhancing your well-being and prosperity - we have various choices available for you:

Kambo Circles too

Figure of a Deva Clasping Hands

Psycho-Spiritual Therapy

Focusing on a particular issue, often all it takes is 1-3 sessions.

We will go all the way to the roots of the problem and clear it there, reclaiming your power and transforming the agreements. 

These sessions are online so you can connect with us wherever you are in the world.

Rock Maze

Plant Medicine Retreats

This is our signature, residential and immersive flagship experience.

Supported by our team of qualified therapists, healers and shaman you can dive deep into your journey, knowing you are held.

We work with

Huachuma (San Pedro),

Ayahuasca &


shaman drum

Support for Practitioners

We have now trained many groups of Kambo practitioners and over the recent years had few apprentices learning how to hold space with the Master Plant teachers.

We understand the need for an ongoing personal development and shadow work to be in service in a clean and comprehensive way.

This is a bespoke service.

The Huachuma Project Retreat Testimonial

"I recently had the incredible opportunity to embark on a two-day spiritual retreat in Portugal with the remarkable Austin.

I must admit, I approached this experience with a certain degree of anxiety and skepticism. However, what transpired over those two days left me profoundly transformed, and I am thrilled to share my testimonial.


The retreat centered around a powerful San Pedro ceremony, a journey I had never embarked upon before. Initially, I was apprehensive, unsure of what to expect. Austin, with his soothing presence and genuine empathy, quickly put me at ease. He created an environment that felt both comfortable and safe, allowing me to open up and confront some deep-seated childhood trauma that had been weighing me down for years.


One of the most astonishing aspects of my time with Austin was his ability to guide me through a hypnotic experience that helped me navigate the labyrinth of my own mind. It was during these sessions that I truly began to unravel and heal the emotional wounds I had been carrying for so long. Austin's skill as a guide and his unwavering support were instrumental in this process.


The accommodation provided for the retreat was nothing short of exceptional. The space was immaculate, and I was grateful for the privacy it offered. What's more, the remote and off-the-grid location allowed me to completely disconnect from the outside world, fostering a profound sense of tranquility and focus.


Life after this transformative experience has been nothing short of miraculous. I find myself happier, more at peace, and more connected to those around me. My relationships with friends, family, my children, and my spouse have all deepened, becoming more loving and fulfilling than ever before.


In hindsight, I am immensely grateful that I chose to partake in a one-on-one retreat with Austin. His guidance, compassion, and expertise have forever altered the course of my life. If you're considering a spiritual journey and searching for a compassionate and knowledgeable guide, I wholeheartedly recommend Austin. He has the power to unlock the doors to your inner self and help you find the happiness and healing you deserve. Thank you, Austin, for this life-changing experience."

- anonymous, 10/09/2023

3 guys sitting around fire on a beach

we are in good company

of master plant medicine: San Pedro, Kambo and Ayahuasca, nestled in the heart of an Algarvian valley, in southern Portugal.

Our retreats offer sacred plant medicine ceremonies with the guidance and care of experienced shaman. To retreat is an opportunity to break our usual routine and take the time to sit with ourselves without our everyday commitments or distractions.


Our transformational plant medicine retreats provide the opportunity to retreat from everyday life to connect with our inner world and realign with our heart, power and purpose. This is a chance to practice forgiveness, self compassion, positive self talk, gratitude and mindfulness.

Breathing, contemplation, meditation or yoga are some of the tools we may utilise on our retreats as well as chakra toning, psycho-spiritual therapy, hypnotherapy, bodywork and energy healing.

A San Pedro retreat is held over three nights at The Huachuma Project. San Pedro cactus has powerful healing and transformative properties. The ceremony begins in the morning around 9.00am after light breakfast. The group gathers in the ceremonial space and Austin explains certain logistical elements for the day. San Pedro is used for healing spiritual, physical, mental, spiritual and emotional ailments. Through the wisdom of this sacred Plant Medicine, you have an opportunity to find your true self, freedom and love you seek.

An Ayahuasca Ceremony is an opportunity to receive treatment for the spirit and take part in your own healing. Ayahuasca ceremonies are led by an experienced shaman. Ayahuasca can take up to 60 minutes to be felt, and its psychotropic effects can last up to 8 hours. She takes you on a deep journey and leaves a profound impact.

Cooking a traditional Andean vegetable soup before a Pachamanca feast with a Quechua tribe

Not sure what to choose?

Book a free consultation to have your questions answered
person peeling a vegetable

Exploring the Differences: Huachuma vs. Ayahuasca


Huachuma (also known as San Pedro) and Ayahuasca are two powerful plant medicines that have been used by indigenous communities for healing and spiritual purposes for centuries. While both are revered for their transformative properties, they have distinct differences in their effects, experiences, and therapeutic potential. Let's explore the unique qualities of Huachuma and Ayahuasca to gain a deeper understanding of these sacred medicines.

The Origins and Cultural Context

Huachuma is derived from the San Pedro cactus (Echinopsis pachanoi), which grows primarily in the Andean region of South America (also cultivates well in other warm climes). It has been used for thousands of years by indigenous peoples in Peru and Ecuador for healing, divination, and spiritual practices. Ayahuasca, on the other hand, is a brewed concoction made from the Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and the leaves of the chacruna plant (Psychotria viridis). It originates from the Amazon rainforest and is an integral part of indigenous cultures in Peru, Brazil, and other Amazonian regions.

The Experience and Effects

Huachuma is often described as a gentle yet profound and expansive medicine that provides a gradual and prolonged experience. The effects of Huachuma can last for up to 12 hours, inducing a deep state of introspection, emotional release, and enhanced sensory perception. It is known for its grounding and heart-opening qualities, promoting feelings of love, compassion, and unity with nature.

In contrast, Ayahuasca is renowned for its intense and visionary nature. The Ayahuasca experience typically lasts for several hours, during which participants often encounter vivid visions, undergo profound introspection, and have the opportunity for deep emotional healing. Ayahuasca can evoke a wide range of emotions, from blissful to challenging, and is often associated with purging and physical sensations.

Therapeutic Applications

Both Huachuma and Ayahuasca offer therapeutic benefits and can be utilised in different ways for healing and personal growth. Huachuma is commonly used for emotional and spiritual healing, helping individuals confront and release past traumas, gain clarity, and cultivate a deeper connection with themselves and the natural world. It is often used in therapeutic settings to address issues such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

Ayahuasca has gained notable attention in the field of trauma healing and addiction recovery. Its visionary nature allows individuals to delve deep into unresolved traumas, confront their shadow aspects, and gain insights into the roots of their struggles. The purging and cleansing effects of Ayahuasca are believed to help release physical and emotional toxins, leading to transformative healing experiences.

Setting and Preparation

The ceremonial context and preparation for Huachuma and Ayahuasca can vary.

Huachuma ceremonies often take place during the day, in natural settings such as mountains or forests. Participants may consume the cactus directly or drink a brewed liquid made from its outer skin. Huachuma ceremonies are typically guided by experienced facilitators, who provide support throughout the experience.

Ayahuasca ceremonies are conducted in the evening or at night, in a dimly lit space often referred to as a "temple" or "maloka." The brew is prepared and administered by trained facilitators called ayahuasqueros or shamans, who hold traditional ceremonies involving prayers, chants, and sacred rituals. Ayahuasca ceremonies emphasize silence, contemplation, and respect for the medicine and the spirit world.

Working with both medicines, it is crucial to prepare mind and body before arriving at the ceremony - more details upon booking.

Integration and Aftercare

Integration, the process of incorporating insights and experiences into daily life, is crucial for both Huachuma and Ayahuasca.

Huachuma's gentle and gradual effects lend themselves well to integration, fostering a long-lasting transformation that can be incorporated into one's daily routines. Individuals often find value in integrating the lessons of Huachuma into their relationships, connection with nature, and overall well-being.

Ayahuasca, with its intense and visionary nature, may require more focused integration support. Participants often seek out integration circles, therapy, or ongoing guidance to process and assimilate the challenging experiences and breakthroughs that arise during Ayahuasca ceremonies. Integration can involve lifestyle changes, continued spiritual practices, and incorporating newfound insights into one's sense of self and purpose.

Choosing the Right Path

Deciding between Huachuma and Ayahuasca ultimately depends on individual intentions, personal preferences, and the guidance of experienced facilitators. Each medicine has its own unique qualities and strengths, providing profound opportunities for healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth. It is essential to approach these medicines with respect, reverence, and a commitment to integration, allowing their wisdom to manifest lasting positive changes in our lives.

two floor lamps
“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.” - Terrence McKenna

San Pedro

San Pedro Ceremony

Huachuma is a native South American cactus containing psychedelic alkaloids. More commonly known as San Pedro, this mescaline containing psychedelic cactus has powerful visionary effects.

San Pedro ceremony involves the use of the San Pedro brew, which has powerful healing and transformative properties.
San Pedro is used for healing spiritual, physical, mental and emotional ailments. Through the wisdom of this sacred Plant Medicine, you will have an opportunity to open your heart and find your centre.

Our signature San Pedro retreats at the Huachuma Project are Friday - Monday with two San Pedro ceremonies, an optional Kambo cleanse, delicious vegan food and lodging in a Mongolian Yurt.


a black stew pot over a bonfire

Ayahuasca ceremonies are facilitated by an experienced shaman and a team of helpers who are trained in healing modalities. Ayahuasca takes 20–60 minutes to kick in, and its effects can last up to 6 hours.An Ayahuasca Ceremony is an opportunity to receive treatment for the spirit and take part in your own healing. Ayahuasca ceremony participants arrive in the early evening, as ceremonies are held at night. Participants arrive before the ceremony and can take part in Kambo cleanse if they feel called to.People react to Ayahuasca differently. Some experience euphoria and a feeling of enlightenment, while others go through deep soul searching journeys. It's not uncommon for those taking Ayahuasca to experience both positive and negative effects from the brew.Ayahuasca-induced changes in many areas of the brain involved in feelings, memories, vision, and consciousness allow for amplified introspection and problem-solving related to past and current life stressors, and for powerful envisioning and strategising of solutions for a more hopeful future.While no two ceremonies are the same, an ayahuasca retreat will typically follow a similar thread that's meant to evoke enhanced connection to nature and other humans supported by one on one interactions with the shaman and the team.


Kambo Treatments Kambo Trainings

Kambo, also known as vacina-do-sapo, or sapo is the dried skin secretions of the kambô, a species of frog, used as a transdermal medicine. Kambo is a healing ritual originating in South America. Here's what happens in a Kambo cleanse. During the Kambo ritual, a shaman makes a few gates on the skin and then applies the frog secretion that is absorbed by your system. Toxins within your body travel into the stomach and you release them by purging.

Kambo is a sacred tool that is best experienced with surrender into uncomfortableness, trusting in the process (your shaman and the medicine), and letting go of what we are holding onto (that's no longer serving us)

Our Kambo medicine comes from a tribe that we know personally - it's fair trade and organic.​ We offer group ceremonies and a one-to-one.

What makes us different

We look after our guests before, during and after a retreat.

What it means, is there is a consultation available to you before we gather in a circle - this is your chance to work on your intention, so that you know where to set sail for the journey. It is also a chance to clear some material in preparation for the medicine.

During a retreat, support is available from the shaman as well as a team of well trained therapists, body workers, energy workers and therapists.

There is a lot of healing in simply allowing ourselves to be in a community of like-minded, friendly people that gather for the retreat.

Our food is gluten free, vegan and mostly local - medicine for the body.

You can also count on our support after a retreat in form of a 1-2-1 session (free of charge) and ongoing communication within the group that usually last some time after we part, keeping the good vibes going.

Check our calendar and make an inquiry now.

beautiful and spacious living room with huge windows and sofa

Psycho-Spiritual Therapy

At The Huachuma Project, we are dedicated to making space for more of what you want in your life. Psycho-Spiritual Therapy can be your fail-proof solution for integrating your Ayahuasca or Huachuma journeys or as a stand alone therapy to work on any hot spot you may have.

Our person-centered and Rapid Transformation Therapy approach combines hypnosis and deep inquiry, allowing for creating a lasting change. Our sessions are 2 hours, giving us ample time to work on addictions, unhealthy patterns, relationships, health, wealth, or career. You can book at your own pace to give yourself time to integrate the upgrades in your life. Prepare to be amazed by the effective results we can achieve together. We offer online sessions, so you can access the life you desire from the comfort of your own home.

Support for Practitioners

1 / Empowering

By engaging in self-reflection, you can gain a deeper understanding of your own abilities and areas for improvement. This insightful process is instrumental in guiding your continuous learning journey as a practitioner who facilitates ayahuasca, san pedro, or kambo experiences. Moreover, self-reflection enhances your motivation and empowers you to consistently deliver high-quality care to those under your guidance.

2 / Grow awareness & confidence

This is your opportunity to discuss any difficult cases - explore their multidimensional complexity and building new understanding about it. This will serve as building blocks for your awareness and confidence.

3 / Open up new opportunities

Professional development is crucial for ayahuasca, san pedro, and kambo facilitators as it enables them to manage their own learning and growth throughout their career. Continuous learning not only opens up new opportunities but also ensures that facilitators gain more skills and knowledge in their field. This, in turn, helps them practice safely and boosts their confidence in their work. Furthermore, increased confidence can lead to higher satisfaction overall. 

Book your 2-hour practitioner support session here.

A Young Winter Deer

Professional development is crucial for Ayahuasca, San Pedro, and Kambo facilitators. It plays a vital role in managing your own learning and growth throughout your career. By continuously learning, you not only open up new opportunities but also keep your skills and knowledge up to date, ensuring safe practices.

Moreover, investing in personal and professional development can significantly bolster your confidence in your work. This increased confidence can ultimately lead to higher overall satisfaction.

Other benefits of investing in personal and professional development:

  • sense of direction,

  • focus,

  • effectiveness,

  • clarity,

  • improved concentration on tasks at hand,

  • increased motivation,

  • as you acquire new skills and knowledge, you become more inspired to excel in your field.

Lastly, personal growth also cultivates greater resilience. With the ability to adapt and learn from challenges, facilitators can overcome obstacles more effectively.

In summary, professional development for Ayahuasca, San Pedro, and Kambo facilitators is essential for managing their own learning and growth throughout their careers. It not only opens up new doors but also keeps skills up to date while ensuring safe practices. Additionally, it boosts confidence, provides a sense of direction, improves focus and effectiveness, increases motivation, and cultivates resilience.


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