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Kambo: Unraveling the Mystery of Its Effects on the Human Body

kambo frog holding a stick with a man in the background

Hi, I am a Kambo practitioner come teacher of four years and have served an ever- growing number of over a thousand individual sessions. I also serve as a sacred plant medicine mentor and facilitator, psycho-spiritual therapist and trauma informed body worker. Here is a snippet of what I know about Kambo

Kambo, a traditional healing ritual originating from the Amazon rainforest, has gained popularity in recent years for its potential to cleanse the body, treat various health conditions, and attract positive energy. But what exactly does Kambo do to your body? In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the effects of Kambo, its potential benefits and risks, and what to expect during a Kambo ceremony. So, let's embark on this journey of exploration and discover the secrets of this ancient healing practice.

Understanding Kambo: A Holistic Remedy

Kambo is derived from the peptide-packed secretions of the giant monkey frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor), who uses it to be weatherproof (among other reasons). It has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes in South America. Those local tribes know Kambo possess holistic healing properties that can address physical, mental, and energetic ailments. As Kambo arrived in the western world, its potential benefits in treating specific health conditions have garnered attention in recent times.

Physical Benefits of Kambo

On a physical level, Kambo is thought to detoxify the body, boost the immune system, and activate self-healing mechanisms. Its natural properties include antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. Many users have reported improvements in allergies, respiratory problems, rheumatism, chronic pain, infections, chronic fatigue, lyme disease, hepatitis, malaria, zika, diabetes, substance addiction, and post-chemotherapy symptoms. While scientific research is limited, preliminary studies suggest that certain peptides present in Kambo may have potential in dealing with serious conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, infertility, cancer, AIDS, and more.

Mental and Emotional Well-being

In addition to its physical benefits, Kambo has potential to have a positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. Many individuals have reported a sense of mental clarity, optimism, and improved mood following a Kambo ceremony. It can help cleanse the mind of negative emotions, alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and burnout, and enhance mental focus and willpower. By purging negative energy, Kambo is thought to promote a sense of balance and well-being.

Energetic Cleansing with Kambo

One of the unique aspects of Kambo is its potential to clear negative energy, known as "panema" in indigenous traditions. Kambo is believed to remove bad luck and attract positive energies. Indigenous tribes have used Kambo to clear themselves of panema when things are not going well or to enhance their luck during hunting expeditions. Users is the West often describe feeling recharged with positive energy and a greater ability to achieve their goals.

The Kambo Ritual: What to Expect

Now that we have explored the potential benefits of Kambo, let's delve into what to expect during a Kambo ceremony. It is important to note that Kambo should only be administered by experienced practitioners in a safe and controlled setting.

Preparation and Administration

The ceremony begins with opening a sacred space for healing and stating the intentions by participants. Here, at the Huachuma Project, we drink two liters of water to hydrate the body and prepare for the medicine. Water is also the medicine and is a very important aspect of the process. You can learn a lot about yourself, your feelings and the intention you are working with by just observing how it is for you to drink your 2l. of water. That's why we do it in meditation, in mindfulness. Then we make the application of small burns on the skin - just on the outer layers of the skin - it feels like a little sting. The most outer layer of the burn is removed and replaced with small amounts of Kambo secretion. The Kambo enters the lymphatic system and bloodstream, initiating its purging and healing effects.

Immediate Effects and Purging

Following the application of Kambo, individuals usually experience immediate and intense physical symptoms. The first phase is fire: you may feel very hot, may experience sweating, increased heart rate and dizziness. This usually lasts few minutes and transforms into the water phase of cleansing: all the peptides from Kambo secretion have now traveled through the whole body gathering toxins and bringing them back to stomach: it is very important to surrender to the natural body response to what's happening - nausea - and allow the vomiting, to release all toxins from the body. The purging effects of Kambo are known to be strong, with many users reporting the expulsion of toxins through vomiting and diarrhea. These effects typically subside within a short period, ranging from a few minutes to one hour, occasionally going a bit over.


After the intense purging phase, it is crucial to just rest. At the Huachuma Project we give people time to just lie down and enjoy the elated state of the mind and the body. You will be offered more water or tea and food to ground yourself. It is important to listen to your body's needs and follow it's wisdom.

Is Kambo Worth It? Weighing the Benefits and Risks

While Kambo holds potential benefits, it is essential to consider the risks involved and make an informed decision before participating in a Kambo ceremony. Here, we will explore the potential risks associated with Kambo and discuss its safety profile.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

Kambo is a potent substance and the process of healing is intense. Individuals may experience vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, muscle spasms, convulsions, jaundice, confusion, and severe fright. It is crucial to understand that certain underlying health conditions can put people at risk. Individuals with cardiovascular conditions, a history of stroke or brain hemorrhage, aneurysms, blood clots, mental health conditions, low blood pressure, epilepsy, Addison's disease, or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not have Kambo.

Ideally people will purge during ceremony, because they have drunk 2 litres of water, there are toxins being liberated, and we know how great it can feel. Of course, purging with Kambo isn’t the be all and end all but, you can expect it in most cases. In some cases where a client cannot purge in a session, it may happen some time after a session when they get home, they may sweat, have an emotional release, urinate a lot or purge from the lower gate. This is all a cleanse. Here at the Huachuma Project however, we know how to support everyone to purge and close their process within the holding container of the ceremony.

Can you overdose Kambo?

There is no microdose of Kambo and no overdose.

Any amount of Kambo, no matter how tiny, has a noticeable effect on the organism. Whether it leads to a purge or not is a different matter. But it isn’t a microdose.

Larger doses, and I strongly advise only working in the “enough range” of Kambo, sometimes result in the session happening and concluding faster.

Safety and Expert Administration

To minimize the risks associated with Kambo, it is crucial to seek the services of highly experienced practitioners who adhere to safety protocols. These practitioners are well-versed in determining appropriate dosages and application techniques, ensuring the safety of participants throughout the ceremony. Additionally, individuals considering Kambo should always consult their underlying health conditions / prescription medications with the facilitator.

Conclusion: Exploring the Power of Kambo

Kambo, with its rich history and potential healing properties, offers a unique approach to holistic well-being. While scientific research on Kambo is limited, the testimonials and experiences of users suggest its potential benefits in detoxification, physical ailments, mental clarity, and energetic cleansing. However, due to the intensity of the healing process it is important to approach Kambo with the guidance of experienced practitioners. By understanding the potential benefits and risks of Kambo, individuals can make informed decisions about whether to embark on this transformative healing journey.

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