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Kambo Circles

Group circles

From 120 Euros

Service Description

A Kambo cleanse is a healing ritual that originated in South American rainforest and is one of the latest health trends sweeping Europe. The Kambo frog secretion from the Amazon is full of bioactive peptides and neuropeptides which have a powerful healing and cleansing effect on the human body. We work with ethically sourced medicine from a tribe we know personally. There are few ways in which you can have Kambo with us: - Join a Kambo circle where the ritual of Kambo is facilitated for 1-12 people at our retreat centre The Huachuma Project. - Have a lush 1-2-1 where you have the shaman all to yourself - an opportunity for a deeper journey with additional therapies included when needed - Have a Warrior Cleanse - three consecutive days of Kambo cleanse, vegan diet and walks in nature Before you may join a Kambo healing ceremony we will need information about your physical and mental health. Please fill the form and send it to us (book now).

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Portugal


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