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Our Story

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About Austin. Medicine Man & Founder.

It's simple, no feathers (well maybe some), no magic tricks or snake oil remedies.
The crux of my work is about relating deeply with whoever is in the room. To offer deep and meaningful healing encounters to people who are genuine and serious about finding an answer to their problem and fixing that permanently.


I’m really good at what I do but, I'm not indigenous, I don't have some grandiose spiritual background story. I’m a British man. I grew up in the suburbs of a small East Anglian town, with an average family with a mother, father, brother and sister. Went to normal schools, attained higher education as a welding engineer, climbed the career ladder for a few years, had nice stuff, earned well, drove nice cars and actually I still like that stuff. I'm a human, and shamanism is my day job. And I’m not trying to sell you something you don't need.


Today I'm a father to a wee lad who inspires me daily. A friend to many. Entrepreneur and business owner. I adore my woman and what I do in the world is the fire in my belly. I appreciate interior design and well curated spaces, deep movies, music and poetry, and most of all; I derive most value from fellow human companionship.


I moved to Portugal in March 2023, following my heart and vision, and got straight to work building The Huachuma Project. This is my third retreat centre, following an diverse career in the UK.


I have been ‘on the path’ for the last fifteen years, navigating my own health, healing and spiritual journeys. I’ve gotten very good at unravelling the meaning and mystery of my own life, to the point that I consider myself to be a clear and effective guide to most.


My introduction to plant medicine was in 2015. This led me to participating in over 200 Ayahuasca ceremonies. That's when I decided I would commit to studying the shamanic arts, which started in mid 2016. By late 2017, I'd left the engineering world to focus on my training and set up my first offering as a Kambo practitioner: Kambo Dots, which is still running strong. Globally I have served well over two thousand people and offer my own training courses too.


My training led me to the Peruvian Amazon a number of times to learn and participate in my own inner work. As well as through teachers and training in Europe which utilised plant medicine alongside western psychology.


My training with Ayahuasca was the foundation. It prepared me for any eventuality and taught me how to take care of people from the ground up. Be it in a ceremony or dropping into conversation. By 2018 I was ripe and ready to start leading my own retreats but then I encountered the cactus medicine. A combination of perfect time and place and an absolute fxck yes resounded through me when I realised this was what I’d been training for and in the days following committed to yet more deep work and getting to know San Pedro. I have been committed to working solely with San Pedro since then.


In my work I utilise a number of different modalities that I've learned along the way and I continue to refine into my practice as a shamanic therapist.


I really like the in person element of this work. Being able to understand why you're wanting and needing this experience, so we can create a clear set of intentions so that you can make the most of it.  I look forward to talking with and sitting in circle together.


I'll see you when I'm looking at ya.
Austin, Medicine Man and Founder

A young woman sitting on a Jungle Mountain

Whether you are an experienced psychonout or someone who would like to try medicine for the first time, you are welcome here

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